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Morphological and anatomical study of Genista tinctoria leaves


The genus Genista L. of Fabaceae family includes about 75 species distributed in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. In Russia 4 species grow, the most common is Genista tinctoria L. This species is widely used in traditional medicine as a choleretic and diuretic, for the treatment of thyroid diseases, in oncology and dermatocosmetology. Nevertheless, there is no approved pharmacopeial article on the medicinal plant raw materials. The ability to use a new type in scientific medicine makes it necessary to study the morphological and anatomical structure of the Genista tinctoria. The result of the research revealed the diagnostic features that allow to reliably identify medicinal plant material, and can be used in the development of regulatory documents for «External features» and «Microscopic features». Morphological and anatomical characteristics of leaves of Genista tinctoria were studied for the first time.

About the Authors

I. L. Drozdova
Kursk State Medical University
Russian Federation

E. I. Minakova
Kursk State Medical University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Drozdova I.L., Minakova E.I. Morphological and anatomical study of Genista tinctoria leaves. Kursk Scientific and Practical Bulletin "Man and His Health". 2018;(2):100-105. (In Russ.)

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